West Part Homesteads-(S. L. T. Wright)


Map of Homesteads – From “History of the West Part: Southampton”  by S. L. T. Wright


Excerpts of each homestead may be found in Mr. Wright’s book.  Information about the residents and their family of each home is given in great detail.   There are also interesting quips  and stories about life in those times.  Some of these cellar holes remain in the West Part of Southampton. 

Map of Homesteads

Map of homesteads in West Part

Click on map for larger view

1. Pomeroy -1870

2. Pomeroy

3. Pomeroy-Flynn 1774

4. Kingsley – 1752

5. Lyman, Elias– 1735

6. Lyman, Joel

7. Lyman, Elias, Jr. – 1775

8. Lyman, Simeon – 1801

9. Howard, Morris – 1865

10. Ash – 1860

11. King, Phineas – 1784

12. Bundy & Maha – 1790

13. Robinson – 1750

14. Seward & Carpenter – 1820

15. Mrs. Carpenter – 1848

16. Lyman & Wright, Sam – 1782

17. Southwourth & Crowell – 1786

18. Parsons & Graves – 1775

19. Hay

20. Lady & Hull & Delisle – 1757

21. Pundy – 1800

22. Dady, 1750 Delisle – 1757

23. Brockway – 1786

24. Dady – 1767

25. Burt & Bartlett & Clapp – 1813   


Click on map for larger view


26. Burt & Clark – 1772

27. Bartlett Workshop – 1879

28. Bartlett – 1870

29. Searle & Bensen – 1850

30. Searle & Bell – 1795

31. Searl & Whalen – 1852

32. Burt – 1735

33. Hatch & Brockway – 1800

34. Clark -1847

35. Loomis – 1840

36. Loomis & Avery – 1793

37. Clark & Connor –

38. Clark & Harris – 1814

39. Burt 1806

40. Clapp – 1792

41. Clapp – 1824

42. Clapp – 1767

X – Schoolhouse

0 – Sawmill – 1826

0 – Sawmill, Clark – 1845

0 – Sawmill

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